

What I did understand from juxtaposition was just about the contrast. It means that two objects or two things when has a contrast it will be juxtaposition. For example juxtaposition in the conversation is:”Today is raining but I won’t pick the umbrella”. It means that in juxtaposition it will have a contrast but it will stick together the meaning and the content of what we use (raining and umbrella).

So juxtaposition is kind of contrast with matching the word’s content


The mind map again

The last mind map was in the digital form and that was not really complete so I draw another one complete. Hope you like it

Mind map

This is my life mind map I prepare it. These are all of my hobbies and sports and foods that I like.


We can also call innovation light bulb, the idea of innovation always comes from the light bulb. As we see in the cartoons when the characters want to do something special and find a solution the light bulb will appear suddenly on their head. They wanna invent something.

Innovation is a change in the thought process for doing something, or the useful application of new inventions or discoveries.


First we want to know that what does novelty means?

AS a noun it means state or quality of being novel, new, or unique; newness.

So what we get is that novelty means quality of being good and new. At all novelty defines the new things.

The novelty works everywhere in the world also it is one of the most important bases of creativity; We must have novelty to become a creative person.

At all what I got from novelty was this.

My Creative photo from my friend

Description: I took this photo from my friend Ali hajihashemi in the petrosins in KLCC’s 4th floor when we went for the experiential study’s education trip. There was a board that just work with a special kind of electricity when u touches it will be like this (the photo).

I think I can call it creativity in the photography so I choose it to be my creative photo.


In this post I want to define creativity as definitions below:

Creativity is the mind’s ability to map and identity idea or plans. The ability to make the plan to turn to reality. Creativity also things along many ideas for improvement and new developments. Creativity also involve creative problem solving.

I think this is better definition Creativity is the bringing into being of something which did not exist before, either as a product, a process or a thought.

It means that we can call creativity as:

  • Invent something which has never existed before
  • Invent something which exists elsewhere but you are not aware of
  • Invent a new process for doing something
  • Reapply an existing process or product into a new or different market
  • Develop a new way of looking at something (bringing a new idea into existence)
  • Change the way someone else looks at something


Introduction to Creative Studies

Creativity ...

Creativity means to be creative i think. In my idea creative people are different from all other people they think different, do different and act diffrenet.

I think creative people think in some ways that no one want to think. So creativity is based on thinking. The diffrences between people will show how they are creative or not.

Creativity means divergent.

In creative studies I think we can think better, and this subject will help us to think different from others. How we can manage our thinkings.

I hope that this will help us to grow ;)